Calm Medium Dog Breeds Ideal for Families

Calm Medium Dog Breeds: A Brief Guide
If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t necessarily enjoy the company of all canines, then calm medium dog breeds are the way to go. Some people are terrified of large dogs that are difficult to control.
Hence, if you want a mellow and trainable canine, but are feeling overwhelmed by the vast sea of options, here’s a brief guide on the various calm and medium-sized dogs available for you.Why Are Calm Medium-Sized Dogs the Popular Choice?
Everyone has different requirements when the time comes to pick a dog. People living in open spaces and land to explore would be amenable to adopting a dog with high spirits and a regular need for exercise, like the Welsh Corgi or the Shetland Sheepdog.
However, most people living in the city have small square footage and a hectic lifestyle. There’s no room for dogs to run around inside the apartment, and the owners are lucky if they have time to walk their furry friend even once a day. Some couch potatoes just want a low-maintenance canine companion to hang out with them. A calm medium-sized dog would be their perfect partner in laziness.What Do Families With Small Children Want?
There are so many different dog breeds today that it’s hard to keep track of all of them and their versatile natures. Not only are they diverse in their personalities but also in size. Different combinations of characteristics have resulted in dogs that appeal to even the pickiest humans.
Read on for a brief discussion on a few of our favorite calmest medium-sized dog breeds out there.Top 8 Calm Medium-Sized Dog Breeds
There are so many different dog breeds today that it’s hard to keep track of all of them and their versatile natures. Not only are they diverse in their personalities but also in size. Different combinations of characteristics have resulted in dogs that appeal to even the pickiest humans.
Read on for a brief discussion on a few of our favorite calmest medium-sized dog breeds out there.1. Smooth Collie

Not to be confused with their boisterous cousins, the Border Collies. These are an excellent choice for those looking for calm mid-size dogs. They’re a versatile breed often used for herding. Generally considered excellent family pets due to their loyal and easy-going nature. Research has shown them to be used for therapy and also as search and rescue dogs.
2. Whippet

Whippets are whip-smart mid-sized dogs that love running and cuddling. Mostly known for their lightning speeds, they’re well-mannered, gentle and are often confused for Greyhounds. As long as their exercise needs are met, they’re happy to lounge about all day. Thus, these calm medium-sized dogs are perfect as family pets.
3. Basset Hound

Sweet, affectionate, and lazy, this calm medium-sized dog breed is a favorite of new pet parents. The Basset Hound is easy to handle and highly trainable. Their laid-back nature helps them adapt well to apartment living and appeals to novice owners. Not only are they friendly with children, but they also get along superbly with other dogs.
4. Golden Retriever

One of the most popular and sought-after dogs in the US. If you’re investigating medium dog breeds that are calm, these are most likely to make the top of the list. As long as they’re exercised daily, they remain relaxed and happy. They’re smart, loyal, and friendly; the trifecta that parents with little children are looking for. Their versatile nature means they can adapt to any role that’s demanded from them. Hence, they’re often used as guide and service dogs.
5. Bulldog

If your goal is to get one of the best calm medium dog breeds, Bulldogs are the way to go. They’re good-natured and love the company of little humans. Their stout musculature makes them sensitive to the sun, which means they like to stay mostly indoors. Hence, they’re perfect pets for dedicated couch potatoes who don’t like to venture far.
6. Airedale Terrier

One of the largest Terriers, but mid-sized compared to other breeds. Due to their cheerful nature and friendly spirit, they’re popular as family pets. They need training though, otherwise they become tricky to handle and are prone to stubbornness. They’re highly protective of family and can get aggressive with strangers they deem a threat.
7. Xoloitzcuintli

Pronounced “Sho-lo-eats-QUEENT-lee,” Xolos are perfect for you if you’re looking to adopt medium sized dogs that don’t shed and are calm. Sweet and loving in nature, these are fabulous family dogs. The Xoloitzcuintli can be found in both fur and hairless varieties, so you can pick whatever makes you happy.
8. Chow Chow

Known for their aloof nature, this ancient Chinese breed is surprisingly cat-like in their need for independence. They’re pretty low maintenance but not super playful with children. So if that’s what you’re looking for, this dog is not the one for you. However, if you want a quiet, loyal companion with an easy personality, the Chow Chow is pawfect.
Final Word
It’s important to keep in mind that not all dogs of a breed have similar natures. While most of the dogs within a breed will behave alike, just as is the case with humans, past incidents or traumas shape the way individual dogs behave. The age of the dog, and appropriate training at the right time also plays an essential role in their behavior.
Puppies of even the calmest of calm medium dog breeds tend to be boisterous, but with the right training, will eventually settle down as they grow older.