Top 4 Electronic Dog Fence Myths Busted

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Not understanding how the electronic fences work and how they keep your pets safe has started a lot of myths about them. We addressed this issue to educate people about most common electronic fences myths and set rumors apart from the truth.
1. A Shock from Electronic Dog Fence is Painful
Many people think that ‘’shocking ‘’ their furry friend is an inhumane and harmful method of training. But, these dog fences are intended to remind your pet that he’s not allowed to leave the yard. The shock is briefly uncomfortable and a ‘’last resort’’ of the containment method.
It won’t cause serious pain to your dog; it will only surprise him and get his attention. What is important is that there is no amperage involved, so heart complications and burned skin are not possible. But, if the pooch can be trained to stay, come, heel and sit through practice, he can also be trained to respond to the audible warnings and avoid this shock.
2. The Electronic Fence Will Make My Dog Aggressive
The first thing you need to know about these fences is that they should not be used on highly aggressive dogs because they tend to be more excitable than other pets. The shock will just irritate them which could lead to a problem. Usually they become more excited when they feel something new, but if they don’t understand what it is, they tend to be more aggressive.
And the static correction will only add to their temperaments.
But, it doesn’t’ have to be like this! With the proper training and a high-quality electronic dog fence, your dog can become less aggressive and stay in the safe area without causing any troubles!
3. My Dog Will Be Afraid of It and Won't Play In the Yard
Every dog responds in his own way to the training. For some dogs, it will be easy to get used to the collar, but others might need more guided and longer lessons time to adjust. The pooch will refuse to play in the yard and will not leave the house, if you don’t train him and use the collar on him anyway.
But, if you set the boundary and make them understand it, they will figure out what is their limit and will not go outside of it. Another good thing about training is that you will teach him to respond to the audio warnings, so he can avoid the shock and remain in the safe area. After a couple of weeks of dog fence training, they will realize that the playtime they enjoy so much, within these boundaries you set, is unaffected.
4. Collars Will Confuse Your Dog
A lot of pet owners wonders what will happen to the dog if he breaks free. Will he be able to return to the yard without feeling another static correction? Well, the modern and advanced design of these collars works differently.
They will not affect the dog if he is heading in, only if he is trying to leave your yard. So the great thing about these devices is that they don’t give mixed signals and can’t confuse your pooch. Anyway, bear in mind that the chances of your dog getting through the warnings to escape are really low.