Can Dogs Have Wine? Is It a Dog-Friendly Drink?

can dogs drink wine.

Can Dogs Have Wine? Is Vino a No-No?

We all love to share a glass of vino with our friends and family, but what about our furry companions? Can dogs have wine? 

While after a glass — or two — you may think a little lick won’t do them any harm, but read this first before doing so. In this post, we’ll explore the facts and reveal the potential dangers of giving wine to your dog.

is wine bad for dogs.

Can Dogs Have Wine?

With your adorable pups always around, you might be tempted to please their stare with a sip or a taste of your favorite merlot or chardonnay. But first, you should ask yourself — is red wine bad for dogs?

The answer is simple — yes it is. 

Alcohol is not dog-friendly, and can be deadly. It contains ethanol, which causes intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and even organ damage in our canine companions. 

But there’s another reason why wine is bad for dogs.

This alcoholic beverage also contains grapes. This fruit is poisonous to dogs, which could lead to kidney failure. 

Therefore, avoid giving wine to your dog, even as a treat or a joke. There are many other ways to show your love and appreciation for your furry friend, such as giving them healthy snacks, toys, or cuddles.

How Much Wine Can My Dog Drink?

To be honest, it’s not worth the risk. 

But, if for some reason, your dog does consume wine, their size/weight and the amount they’ve ingested will all play a part in how serious the situation is. 

Experts tell us the lethal level of 100 percent ethanol (alcohol) equates to 5.5 to 6.5 ml per kilo of body weight

To give you an idea, if you have a 7-pound Maltese, it would only take around 38 to 45 ml (1.28 to 1.42 ounces) to cause serious damage. On the other hand, if you had a 70-pound Golden Retriever, this would rise to 385 to 445 ml (13 to 15 ounces). 

And, if those numbers mean nothing to you — one shot of espresso is around 30 ml (1 ounce), or a regular can of soda is 355 ml (12 ounces). 

Wine is, on average, around 12 to 13 percent alcohol.

But that’s not all. No two dogs will react in the same way — younger/older dogs or drinking wine on an empty stomach could impact tolerance.

Can Dogs Drink Red Wine?

No. It doesn’t matter whether it’s red or white wine, dogs cannot drink it. As we said, it contains alcohol and grapes, both of which are highly poisonous to dogs and can even be fatal. 

The same applies to sangria — the fruit punch hailing from Spain — red wine forms the main ingredient.

can dogs have red wine.

Can My Dog Drink Cooking Wine?

Cooking wine isn’t safe for dogs. The alcohol content can be just as dangerous as regular wine. If you must use cooking wine in your recipes, keep it out of your dog's reach and dispose of it properly.

What if My Dog Accidentally Drank Wine?

If your dog drinks wine, they could display any of the following symptoms: 

  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Abdominal pain and discomfort.
  • Loss of appetite and decreased activity.
  • Increased thirst and urination.
  • Lethargy and weakness.
  • Tremors and seizures.
  • Rapid heartbeat and breathing.
  • Collapse and loss of consciousness.
  • Kidney failure.

Dog Drank Wine — What To Do

Act quickly. 

  • The first thing you should do is call your veterinarian. They will tell you what steps to take next based on the amount of wine your dog consumed and their weight.
  • In the meantime, keep an eye on your dog’s behavior. If they’re showing signs of lethargy or respiratory depression, take them to the vet immediately. If your dog is not showing any symptoms, it’s still important to monitor them closely for the next few hours.

However, the best course of action is prevention. Keep all alcoholic beverages out of reach and securely stored, and never intentionally give your dog alcohol.

is red wine good for dogs.

Final Thoughts

Wine is highly toxic for dogs. Even a small amount can cause serious health problems. 

In this guide, we’ve considered the question — can dogs have wine? As pet parents, keeping our four-legged family members safe is down to us. That means keeping booze, including wine, out of the way. Remember, a moment of carelessness can have lifelong consequences for our beloved companions.

Can a Dog Drink Wine? FAQs

What Should I Do if My Dog Eats Grapes?

You must seek veterinary care immediately. Grape toxicity can be life-threatening for dogs.

Can Dogs Build up a Tolerance to Alcohol?

No. Their bodies are not designed to process alcohol — even small amounts can lead to toxicity. Repeated exposure can actually increase the risk of poisoning and other health problems. 

You can learn more in our guide on Can Dogs Drink Alcohol?

Can Wine Affect a Dog's Behavior? 

Yes. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which means it can cause a range of symptoms, including lethargy, loss of coordination, and decreased responsiveness. 

Moreso, the sugar content in wine can lead to hyperactivity in some dogs, followed by a crash that can leave them feeling even weaker. So, keep your dog away from wine and other alcoholic beverages to prevent these behavioral changes.

Can Dogs Have Red Wine for Medicinal Purposes?

No, it's not recommended to give your dog wine or any other type of alcohol for medicinal purposes. There are safer and more effective treatments available.

How Long Does It Take for Wine Toxicity To Affect a Dog?

Within a few hours of ingestion. So get in touch with your vet immediately if you suspect your dog has consumed wine.

Can Dogs Get Drunk From Drinking Wine?

Yes, dogs can get drunk from drinking wine — this is the effect of alcohol poisoning. The amount of alcohol needed to intoxicate a dog depends on their size and weight, but even a small amount can be dangerous. Dogs are much more sensitive to alcohol than humans, which can cause serious health problems and even death.

can dogs drink beer.