Can Dogs Drink Beer? The Hard Truth of Dogs Drinking Beer

can dogs drink beer.

Can Dogs Drink Beer? Is Beer Safe for Bow-wows?

If you’ve just cracked open a cold one, and your four-legged friend is sitting beside you, I bet you’re thinking, can dogs drink beer? 

As pet parents, we’ve all saved a piece of steak from our plate or chunk of chicken from the grill. We humans can’t resist sharing with our four-legged friends. However, before you start offering your boozy beverage to your bow-wow, take five minutes to read this.

is beer good for dogs.

Can Dogs Have Beer?

No question is as easy as asking — can I give my dog beer?

As tough as it may be to accept, your pooch cannot share a beer with you. While it’s a popular, thirst-quenching drink for humans, it’s not safe for dogs to consume.

Why Is Beer Bad For Dogs?

One of beer’s main ingredients is hops. It’s used in the brewing process to add flavor and bitterness to the beer. Hops can be toxic to dogs and cause symptoms such as:

  • Elevated body temperature.

  • Hyperventilation.

  • Tachycardia.

  • Seizures. 

  • Death.

Additionally, beer is often carbonated, which can increase the risk of bloat in some breeds. Plus, with its low nutritional value and high-calorie content, drinking beer could lead to health issues in your pooch. 

And, beer contains alcohol (ethanol), which influences the central nervous system and can lead to alcohol poisoning. Admittedly, beer has a low alcohol content, so it's not as bad as if your dog drinks wine or hard liquors, like whiskey, but it still contains alcohol, which isn’t safe. 

To learn more, read our guide on Can Dogs Drink Alcohol?

Can Dogs Have Root Beer?

While root beer is non-alcoholic, it’s not wise to offer it or any other soda or sugary beverage to your pooch.

Root beer is sugar-laden, which can contribute to obesity and other health problems in dogs if consumed excessively. In addition, some root beers may also contain caffeine, which can be harmful to dogs. In large quantities, it can cause symptoms, such as:

  • Restlessness.

  • Rapid breathing. 

  • Heart palpitations. 

  • Muscle tremors.

can dogs have beer.

Can Dogs Drink Non-alcoholic Beer?

Non-alcoholic beer may be free from alcohol, but it still contains hops and other ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. It's best to avoid giving your dog any type of human beer, whether it's alcoholic or not.

What Happens if a Dog Drinks Beer?

While some pet lovers may think it's cute or funny to share a beer with their furry friend, the reality is that alcohol can be extremely dangerous and even deadly for dogs.

This is what happens if dogs drink beer:

The first thing you may notice is that they become uncoordinated and wobbly. This is because alcohol affects a dog's nervous system and can impair their ability to walk, stand, or even breathe properly.

Other visible signs include:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Drooling excessively. 
  • Shaking/trembling.

There are further complications that may not be so obvious, such as:

  • Blood sugar levels decrease.
  • Body temperature drops.
  • Blood pressure plummets.

In more severe cases of beer toxicity, seizures, and even coma or death are possible.

What To Do if Your Dog Drinks Beer?

If your dog accidentally ingests beer, it's important to seek veterinary advice immediately. 

  • First, your pup's condition will be assessed. Details — on what type of beer/alcohol percentage, the quantity consumed, if known, medical history of your dog, how long ago the beer intake happened, and what specific symptoms you observed — will be asked.

  • Depending on the signs of alcohol toxicity shown, your vet will prioritize stabilizing your dog's condition. This might involve monitoring vital signs or providing oxygen therapy.

  • As much alcohol as possible will be removed from your dog's system to enhance recovery. This can be done using intravenous (IV) fluids to support hydration and trigger the body to expel alcohol more effectively.

  • Under close observation, your vet will address any lingering alcohol toxicity signs and provide supportive care. These can include administering more fluids and nutritional supplements, and ensuring your dog is as comfortable as possible.

how much beer can a dog drink.

Is There Beer for Dogs?

Indeed there is. 

While dogs can’t drink beer for humans, they can drink beer for canines. 

Offering a beer substitute for your furry friend is a great idea. The range of dog "brews” are 100 percent alcohol-free and healthy — paw-posely created to quench your dog's thirst. 

And no, these "canine craft beers" aren’t your standard human drinks, they contain a significant component of organic bone broth! From chicken and beef to pork ale, these pet-friendly beverages are produced with a focus on flavor, health, and welfare. 

The contents of your dog ‘booze’ may vary based on the brand you choose. However, to give you an idea, here are a few ingredients found in some beers brewed for dogs:

  • Bone broth.

  • Whole grain oats.

  • Malt barley.

  • Herbs — including basil and mint.

  • Veggies — like carrots and sweet potatoes.

  • Fruits — such as bananas, apples, and pears.

  • Dog-friendly nuts — for example, peanuts.

How Much Dog Beer Can a Dog Drink?

Firstly, dog beer should never be offered in place of fresh water. Secondly, consider this beverage a treat for your dog. Canine beer can be given in moderation. 

Furthermore, when introducing any new drinks into their diet, keep an eye on your pooch for any signs of sensitivities.

Final Thoughts

As a pet parent, it's important to be mindful of what we give our furry friends to drink. As much as they may seem interested in sipping on our beer or other alcoholic drinks, it's best to avoid giving them any at all.

So, if someone asks you, can dogs drink beer? You can tell them — there are plenty of other options out there that your dog can enjoy without putting their health at risk. Ultimately, water is the king of all K9 drinks. Then raise a glass to your pups' health and happiness with dog-friendly beverages!

Can You Give a Dog Beer? FAQs

Why Does My Dog Like Beer?

Dogs can be attracted to the smell and taste of beer, but it's important to remember that alcohol is toxic to them. It's possible that your dog is simply curious or seeking attention.

Is a Little Bit of Beer Bad for Dogs?

Yes, it is generally advisable to keep your pooch away from any alcohol-containing substance — even in tiny quantities. Dogs should never drink beer made for humans.

How To Serve Dog Beer?

A special dog-friendly bowl will do the trick. Serve this occasionally, and your dog will surely appreciate your surprise treat. For picky eaters or canines with dental sensitivity, dog beer can be used to spice up or soften your dog's kibble.

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