Non Shedding Dogs for Families — Allergy & Family-Friendly K9s

Non Shedding Dogs for Families.

Non Shedding Dogs for Families

I’m sure we’ll all agree that dogs have a remarkable way of making a family feel complete. And, while they have their quirks and naughty moments, pet parents find very few issues with their four-legged friends. But one stands out — shedding. 

The day-to-day household maintenance of heavy shedding dogs can not only be challenging, but it also brings allergens into the home. And this is why many animal lovers think they have to be pet-free.

Families everywhere benefit highly from having a canine companion. Dogs are protectors as well as best friends! So, if shedding is a doggy dealbreaker for you, we may have found the solution with these non shedding dogs for families.

9 Non Shedding Family Friendly Dogs

Unfortunately, studies have found that no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, but there are canines that reduce the likelihood of inducing allergies. Hence, it’s very possible to live a comfortable, happy life with a pooch that doesn’t leave tumbleweeds of fur rolling around the corners of the living room! 

Non shedding family dogs bring the best of both worlds — a cleaner house and a happier home!

When searching for the perfect family dog, non-shedding is not the only trait to look for. It’s also important to note which breeds are most playful, affectionate, and good with children. These canines can be classified by many different shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Throughout this guide, we’ve compiled the best non-shedding dog breeds by size.

Best Small Family Dogs That Don’t Shed

1. Havanese

non shedding family dog havanese.

These gentle dogs are deceiving — having beautiful, long, silky hair that miraculously has virtually no shed. Native to Cuba, Havanese dogs are insanely spunky and playful, making them wonderful with children.

Weighing between 7-13 pounds, these pups are the perfect addition to any family, even in a small living space. Although their coat does require dedicated grooming and upkeep, you will seldom be annoyed with lint rolling the couches. Havanese are natural watchdogs and take their jobs very seriously, so their barking is typically minimal but meaningful. 

Havanese are fabulous family dogs that shed the least. Overall they’re known to be amazing with older children, younger children, and other pets in the home. They’re cheerful, social, and adaptable, making them great for city or apartment living.

2. Italian Greyhound

non shedding family dog italian greyhound.

Energetic and playful, the Italian Greyhound is also the perfect lap companion. These toy pups are highly affectionate, and crave attention at any and all hours of the day. They’re known to be great family friends and interact well with other dogs in the home. Yet, they do typically prefer families with older children.

With their short fur, grooming one of these small family dogs that don’t shed is very easy. Baths are rarely needed, but you will have to trim nails and maintain dental health with teeth brushing. Due to their short coat and low fat percentage, they do require extra care and coverage in the cold weather. 

Naturally, Greyhounds are sight hounds which will entice them to bolt as soon as they see anything worth chasing. They’re quick-moving, making playtime very engaging!

3. Bichon Frise

non shedding family dog bichon frise.

Bichons are playful, kind-hearted, and absolutely perfect for people with allergies. These dogs are almost as non-shedding as they come, but they do require frequent coat maintenance. Since their fur continuously grows, they need regular grooming, brushing, and baths to keep their coat healthy and free of matting. 

Although they may not make the best guard dogs, Bichons are loyal companions. They’re highly tolerant of both young and older children, as well as other dogs. Even your visitors will become family to the Bichon! 

They’re also natural comedians, keeping you entertained and obsessed. Bichons are quite spunky and playful, with a decent amount of energy to wear out any kids in the home.

Medium Sized Non Shedding Family Dogs

4. Samoyed

non shedding family dog samoyed.

The smiling sled dog, Samoyeds are friendly working canines, weighing anywhere from 35 to 65 pounds. These fluffy, all-white balls of energy are fabulous family pets — they’re known to be intensely affectionate and wonderful with children of all ages. 

These pups are smart and social, meaning they demand near-constant interaction and affection throughout the day. Sammies are also canines that form a super close bond with their special human.

Their low-dander-producing coat is designed to withstand cold temperatures, all the way down to the little smile on their face that prevents drool icicles. However, Samoyeds do require frequent grooming. 

If you have plenty of space, or time to exercise with the Samoyed, they’re the perfect partner. With wild children in the home, the Sammie provides hours of fun!

5. Puli

non shedding family dog puli.

No other dog can be mistaken for the uniqueness of the Puli. Pronounced “Poo-Lee” with “Pulik” being plural, these pups are covered in naturally occurring cords from head to tail. These cords are wooly, dense, and weatherproof. And, while brushing isn’t necessary, you’ll have to bathe when needed and separate their ‘dreads’ regularly. 

Pulik are notably agile and graceful, stamping the reputation of the “acrobat of the dog world.” They’re energetic and fun-loving, and a better match for older children. They’re very adaptable, but always alert. Your home will be well watched over with a Puli. 

Be mindful of other dogs in the home, but that’s not a complete dealbreaker. Pulik are intelligent and fast learners. However, they’re also strong-willed, so you’ll need to be firm but fair where training is concerned. And, they need a good amount of physical and mental stimulation each day to remain happy.

6. Kerry Blue Terrier

non shedding family dog kerry blue terrier.

Sporting gorgeous blue(ish) fur, the Kerry Blue Terrier is single-coated, enabling them to be one of the best non shedding family dogs. Their coat is dense and wavy, similar to the Poodle’s. However, this dense coat demands your undivided attention on a regular basis. You should brush the Kerry Blue at least once a week to avoid matting. 

The Kerry typically has moderate to high energy needs, but are very cuddly and calm once they’re worn out! They usually weigh around 40 pounds and have a very strong natural prey drive, so be cautious around small animals such as cats and other pups in the home. 

Quite affectionate with their family, they do very well with children. They’re highly vigilant dogs, therefore protecting your home will be second nature.

Large Family Dogs That Don’t Shed

7. Poodle (Standard)

non shedding family dog standard poodle.

One of our most timeless contenders, the Poodle is famous for their curly, dense coat that’s almost like no other. This breed varies in size, but can weigh up to 70 pounds. These dogs are high-energy and love to spend their days doing laps around the neighborhood. 

Poodles are gentle dogs, making them wonderful family friends! They’re also super smart and people pleasers, so highly trainable, which is why they’re one of the best non shedding family dogs for first-timer doggy families. 

Although the Poodle seldom sheds, they do require a great deal of maintenance with frequent grooming, brushing, and baths.

8. Irish Water Spaniel

non shedding family dog irish water spaniel.

With its curled coat, the Irish Water Spaniel could easily be mistaken for the Poodle. Their love for swimming and all things aqua-related is evident from their water-proof coat and webbed-paws. They’re agile and hardworking, needing something to do at all times. 

Irish Water Spaniels are playful and fun, and have tons of energy to spare while protecting the home or hanging out with the kids. They’re very loving at home with their family. Yet due to their size and liveliness, they’re better suited to older children as opposed to younger tots. 

They may not work the best in a multiple-doggy home, but as they spread enough love and life, you may not feel that you need another!

9. Xoloitzcuintli (Standard)

non shedding family dog xoloitzcuintli.

Pronounced “show-low-eats-QUEENT-lee” or “show-low” for short, these majestic dogs naturally evolved to be hairless, making them a high contender for best family friendly dog that doesn’t shed. The Xoloitzcuintli originated in Mexico, at least 3,000 years ago. Needless to say, you won’t be finding any stray hair on your clothes with the Xolo! 

These dogs are incredibly noble, and sure to bring attention as you walk down the street. Due to their exposed skin, the Xolo does require extra care in the absence of grooming, such as sunscreen in the summer or a sweater in the winter. 

Xolos are wildly affectionate with their owners and family, making it easy to create a bond like no other. Highly energetic, Xolos need a good amount of play and exercise. Typically they do prefer homes with older children.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the perfect addition for your family can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Thinking about your family’s lifestyle and deciding your desired traits in a new pup are the first steps. 

Luckily if you’re looking for the best non-shedding family dog, there are many options with different shapes, sizes, and personality traits. 

Many people are discovering that hypoallergenic dogs can be a true lifesaver for families looking for a pooch that’s less likely to trigger allergies, while simultaneously bringing love and sloppy kisses. As far as the perfect pup for you, hopefully, this guide on some of the best non shedding dogs for families came in handy!

Family Friendly Dogs That Don’t Shed FAQs

Why Do Dogs Shed?

In a healthy dog, shedding occurs for two reasons. First, they shed for temperature control as the seasons change. Secondly, it’s part of their hair growth cycle, the hair/fur grows, then dies and falls out to make room for new fur/hair to grow in its place. 

What Makes a Dog Non Shedding?

Realistically, all animals shed, it’s a biological feature for every single one of us. Yet, a non-shedding dog is going to shed less than the average shedding dog. This makes stray fur around the home more manageable — providing their coat is properly brushed or groomed depending on their upkeep level. 

Are Non Shedding and Hypoallergenic the Same? 

Simply put, yes. Low shedding, non-shedding and hypoallergenic are all terms used to describe dogs that shed an incredibly minimal amount. Thus leading to a lower probability of triggering allergies.

How Can a Dog Be Hypoallergenic?

Although no dog has a zero percent chance of causing an allergic reaction, most dog allergy sufferers find themselves much happier and healthier with a dog that has a low-shedding coat.

Rarely shedding alleviates the amount of dander you’re exposed to on a day-to-day basis, making the allergens manageable to many. These dogs are classified as hypoallergenic. 

How Could I Benefit From Non Shedding Dogs? 

Whether you have allergies or just simply like a tidy home, almost anyone can benefit from non-shedding dogs. From a healthier home, to a cleaner home, you will have far more free time on your hands when you aren’t spending all day vacuuming!

What Makes a Good Family Dog?

A good family dog should be child friendly to cater to the age group in your home. You would want to look for a pup that's affectionate and loyal, but energetic to keep up with a bustling household!