Can Dogs Eat Mango? A Guide to Canine Mango Consumption

Can Dogs Eat Mango.

Can Dog Eats Mango? Paws and Ponder!

Many of us humans love the taste of mangoes. A tropical fruit that’s made for a smoothie and makes a great juicy snack, the mango is high in fiber and vitamins, making it a good source of nutrition.

And, as mango is sweet, your pooch will probably love it too, But can dogs eat mango? Let's explore the topic to understand whether this tropical delight can be a safe and nutritious treat for our canine companions.

mango for dogs.

Can Dogs Have Mango?

The short answer is yes! Dogs can safely enjoy mangos, and with the fruit’s typically sweet nature, your pooch will probably love them too! And,if you’re wondering can puppies have mango the answer would be also yes. The fruity goodness can help with their development.

However, there are several things you should consider before you start preparing one for your pooch. Although the juicy sweet flesh is packed full of nutritional benefits, it also has a high sugar content — moderation is key. And, not all parts of the mango are okay for canines.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Seeds?

No, dogs shouldn’t. The large pit in the middle of a mango contains trace levels of cyanide. Although it’s not enough to affect humans, who may suck the remaining sweet flesh off the stone, dogs have a much lower tolerance level, and it can prove fatally toxic. 

Hence, don’t give your dog a mango whole, and if they do get the taste for it, avoid leaving them in their reach.

Can Dogs Have Mango Skin?

While the skin is technically edible, it can be very tough, and difficult for dogs to digest. Especially in unripe mangoes, the skin will be tricky to chew and slippery enough to slide down your pooch’s throat before they’ve had a chance to break it down, which presents a choking hazard.

Mango skin also contains urushiol, a chemical found in poison ivy and poison oak, which is why so many humans can have an allergy to mango. There may not be any documented cases of allergies in canines, but urushiol can cause skin irritation or a rash on your dog’s skin.

In short, only serve the ripe, fleshy part of mango.

How Is Mango Good for Dogs?

There’s no denying that mangoes are a delicious and refreshing fruit for humans. Yet, they also boast an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are beneficial to a pup’s health when dogs eat mango.


Mangoes are rich in vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient for dogs. It can influence their growth and reproduction, and be beneficial to their vision and skin. They’re also packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps boost your dog’s immune system and promotes healthy growth and repair functions.

Other vitamins and minerals found in abundance in mango include

  • Vitamin B6 — good for metabolism, skin, coat, and nails.
  • Vitamin E — essential for healthier skin.
  • Potassium — contributes to the efficient functioning of your dog’s heart, muscles, and nervous system.


Like many fruits and veggies, mango has a high level of antioxidants. In particular, a mango contains both alpha and beta-carotene. Not only do they give the mango flesh that bright orange color, as they do in carrots, but these compounds can promote better eye health, lower the risk of cancer in your pooch and protect your pup’s body from free radicals.

Fiber and Hydration

The dietary fiber and high water content of mango can benefit a dog's digestive system. With approximately 83 percent being made up of water, it’s a good option for canines on a hot summer day. And, an ideal treat to freeze before serving to your pooch.

is mango good for dogs.

When Is Mango Bad for Dogs?

Mango flesh is generally not toxic for dogs in moderation, but they do have a higher sugar and carb content than many other fruits. A whole mango (12 ounces) contains 1.6 ounces (46 grams) of sugar and over 1.7 ounces (50 grams) of carbs.

Feeding your furry companion lots of sugar can contribute to problems with obesity, diabetes, and dental cavities. In the short term, too much sugar can lead to stomach upset.

What's more, it goes without saying, if your dog has issues with diabetes or obesity, mangoes are not a great choice!

How Much Mango Can Dogs Eat?

Like any human food, mango is a treat that should only be given to your dog in moderation. A ratio of 90/10 is suggested, where 90 percent of your dog’s nutritional needs should come from a recognized well-balanced dog-specific food and 10 percent from treats.

Hence, when giving your pooch mango, don’t exceed a quarter of a cup a week. Larger dogs can consume two cups of mango pieces a week.

How Can My Dog Eat Mango?

So, if you’ve decided to give mango a try, how should you prepare it for your dog? We’ve put together three ideas to get you started: 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Mango?

With mango, no cooking is required for dogs to be able to eat it. Simply — peel, de-pit, and cut into chunks — a no-fuss fruit. 

And, for other pooches that require more persuasion — mashing the raw mango and putting it inside their kong toy or mixing it with their regular food can be a way of boosting their nutritional intake.

Can a Dog Have Frozen Mango?

Yes. The higher water content makes for a refreshing snack that could be mixed with water and served as a popsicle treat, or even frozen in ice cube trays for a cooling snack.

Can Dogs Eat Dry Mango?

Dried mango is an ideal treat for reward-based training — bite-sized portions that make far less mess in your pockets. However, be warned, drying a mango will concentrate the sugar content and many shop-bought dried mango pieces often have added sugars. 

When introducing your dog to new foods, such as mango, do it gradually. Start with just one piece to see if your pooch has any adverse reactions.

is mango bad for dogs.

Final Thoughts

The next time you indulge in a mango, feel free to share a little bit with your canine companion now and again. This tropical fruit is safe for dogs, and even offers some valuable nutrients and health benefits.

Having answered the question, can dogs eat mango? Don’t forget to ditch the pit, and the skin, then go forth and cube, freeze, or even dry your fruit for a tasty snack your furry pal is bound to love.

Can We Give Mango to Dogs? FAQs

Are Mango Seeds Poisonous to Dogs?

Yes, they can be due to the traces of cyanide found in the large pit. The size of the pit will also be a choking hazard, or even present a potential blockage in the digestive tract if swallowed whole.

If your dog should accidentally consume some of the mango pit there is a chance it may pass through their digestive tract without too many issues. However, you should consult a veterinarian if your dog shows any signs of lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting or a decrease in appetite.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Peel?

Although technically edible, no, and why would they want to — the peel is tough and pretty tasteless! The skin of a mango does, however, contain a compound found in poison ivy and poison oak called urushiol, which could bring your dog out in a rash or cause an upset stomach.

Hence, always try to remove all traces of peel before feeding your dog mango.

Which Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

Although some fruits can be toxic for your dog (see below), there are many other fruits, like the mango, which can be both tasty and good for your canine companion. These include:

Remember when you feed your pup fruit in larger amounts, sugar can be an issue.

What Fruit Can’t Dogs Eat?

To be fair, there aren't many fruits a dog can’t eat. Here’s what you should avoid:

  • Avocado — contains toxins that lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

  • Grapes/raisins — are poisonous, causing kidney failure in dogs.

  • Cherries — the seeds carry cyanide, which suffocates blood cells.

Can Dogs Drink Mango Juice?

As a rule, no. Although some natural fruit juices aren’t toxic to dogs, they often contain artificial colors, preservatives, and extra sweeteners — added sugar or even artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which is highly toxic to animals. 

If you should be making fresh mango juice at home and you’re confident that fruit is the only ingredient, there’s no harm in letting your pup have a lick. That said, just be wary of the sugar content, which may be more concentrated.

Can Dogs Eat Mango Yogurt?

No, you shouldn’t. Store-bought mango yogurt will often be flavored using mango juice or artificial mango flavorings, which can be toxic for dogs. It may also contain higher levels of sugar. Plus, dogs can be lactose intolerant. 

Can Dogs Eat Green Mango?

A green mango is simply a mango where the flesh has yet to ripen. It still contains the same vitamins and antioxidants of the fully ripe and ready-to-eat fruit, yet it can be much tougher for a dog to chew. Hence, other than taste, the only difference is that it’s more likely to be a choking hazard — if not chopped small enough — particularly for smaller dogs or puppies.

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