Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? The Tropical Truth

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple.

Pining For Pineapple? Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

With its zingy, sweet, yet tart taste, it’s no wonder so many of us love the tropical taste of pineapple. But what to do when your loyal canine companion looks at you with those big brown eyes pleading for a tiny tidbit? Is it safe to give a slice to your pooch? Can dogs eat pineapple?

Let’s take a look to find out if you can share this superfruit with your best furry friend.

can dogs have pineapple.

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

The good news is yes, you can share a little of your fresh pineapple with your four-legged friend — and with its sweet taste, your pooch will probably love it too. With a high water content like most fruits, pineapple can be a good source of hydration on a hot summer’s day.

Fresh or raw pineapple can also be a source of many vitamins and other beneficial nutrients when given to your pup. And, in no way is pineapple toxic to dogs when served in its natural state. 

That said, dogs can only eat certain parts. Plus, it can be a different story when serving processed pineapple products.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Pineapple?

Pineapple slices or chunks, those you often buy in cans or jars, are normally stored in a very sweet syrup, which is likely to contain high levels of sugar and other preservatives. This tropical fruit is already high in natural sugars. Hence, the syrup will make it far too sugary to safely give to your pup.

Can Dogs Have Dried Pineapple?

When pineapple is dehydrated, it will have a higher concentration of sugar. Plus, shop-bought dried pineapple generally has added sugars or sweeteners, like xylitol, which can be very toxic to canines.

Homemade dried pineapple can be a fun treat for your pooch, but because of the concentrated sugar content, it’s not something you should offer too frequently. What’s more, in its hardened state, your pup could choke on it.

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple Core?

No. Only the soft inner flesh is completely safe for your pooch to consume. 

The spiky outer skin and the pineapple’s hard inner core are far too tough for a dog’s digestive system to break down. It can lead to an intestinal blockage or present a choking hazard.

How Is Pineapple Good for Dogs?

For starters, pineapple contains bromelain — something that no other fruit possesses. This is commonly known as nature’s histamine. 

Bromelain, an enzyme possessing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial attributes, can prove particularly advantageous for dogs grappling with skin problems. It could even help with allergies.

Other nutritional benefits of raw pineapple include:

  • Vitamin C — boosts your dog's immune system and can help to reduce any inflammation. It can also be of benefit to older dogs in reducing cognitive aging.
  • Thiamine (B1) — helps to regulate your dog’s energy levels and the rate of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Riboflavin (B2) and Niacin (B3) — two nutrients that assist in regulating the enzyme function of your dog.
  • Vitamin B6 — supports the building of healthy proteins, balancing hormones, and boosting immunity and neurotransmitters essential for a healthy dog.
  • Potassium — the electrolyte that’s necessary for healthy heart and kidney function.
  • Folate (B9) — needed for amino acid metabolism and the synthesis of proteins.
What’s more, vitamin A and the high level of minerals found in pineapple can support the healthy skin and coat of your pooch. And, offer benefits to their overall well-being making their ligaments and tissues stronger, and boosting their eyesight too.

When Is Pineapple Bad for Dogs?

If you’re asking, is pineapple poisonous to dogs? The good news is no. Yet, while not toxic, you can have too much of a good thing. Here are a few reasons why you should offer pineapple sparingly.


With its water content ranging from 82 to 86 percent and a rich supply of natural fiber, pineapple contributes positively to your dog's digestive system. However, moderation should be exercised. Too much fiber may upset your dog’s digestive system.


Pineapple possesses a notable sugar content. Hence, excessive consumption can be another contributor to stomach discomfort for your pooch. What’s more, consistent intake of high sugar levels could potentially give rise to health concerns such as diabetes, obesity, or even dental cavities, especially if the dog's dental hygiene isn’t consistently maintained.

What Happens if My Dog Ate Too Much Pineapple?

In the event that your dog indulges excessively in pineapple, it can lead to gastrointestinal problems like:

  • Constipation.

  • Vomiting. 

  • Diarrhea. 

If your pooch should suffer any of the aforementioned symptoms, immediately stop feeding your pooch pineapple and consult your local vet.

is pineapple safe for dogs.

How Much Pineapple Can a Dog Have?

Think of pineapple as an occasional treat rather than a part of your dog’s daily diet.

  • Extra small dogs — like a Chihuahua or other toy breeds — 1-2 pieces of pineapple. 

  • Small dogs — such as the Beagle/Dachshund — 2-3 pieces.

  • Medium-sized dogs — like the Border Collie/Basset Hound — 5-6 pieces.

  • Larger dogs — as in, the Labrador or German Shepherd — a handful of pineapple pieces.

Start by offering just one or two pieces — to check your dog doesn’t have any adverse reaction to the tropical fruit before slowly increasing the portion size.

How To Feed Your Dog Pineapple?

There are many fun and healthy ways you can introduce your dog to the benefits of pineapple.

  • Small chunks of pineapple — a portion of flesh chunks (about ¼ inch thick) is an ideal way to give your pup this fruit as a little treat.

  • Fruit smoothie — blend pineapple with other dog-safe fruits such as strawberries, bananas, or blueberries. You could even add some sugar-free natural yogurt, or a dollop of oatmeal, for a thicker consistency. Smoothies are a great way of disguising any medicines you may need to administer.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Pineapple?

On those extremely hot summer days, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t treat your pooch to a frozen treat like a pineapple popsicle. Try to avoid freezing in large cubes, which could be a choking hazard, especially for smaller breeds.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Pineapple?

You may be tempted to throw some pineapple on the BBQ for a delicious grilled snack. As long as no other ingredients are added, such as preservative-loaded sauces/syrups, extra sugar, or alcoholic spirits, there’s no reason why you couldn’t share a little of this tasty treat with your pup. 

The chemical composition and nutritional benefits of pineapple don’t change when cooked. This fruit will certainly be better for your pup than one of those fat-laden sausages or burgers which may also be on the grill.

is pineapple bad for dogs.

Final Thoughts

Pineapples are a healthy and refreshing tasty treat that many of us enjoy. Some crazy humans even enjoy it on a pizza! 

Ok, we’re not suggesting you should offer your dog pizza (think of all those trans-fats, cheese, wheat flour, and even the onion it may be topped with). But fresh raw pineapple can be a healthy snack to share with your pooch.

When asking can dogs eat pineapple? Yes, they can. Ditch the core and the skin, and feel free to cut the flesh into chunks, puree into a smoothie, freeze it, or even mix it in with their regular food. Pineapple could be that super nutrient boost your pup has been pining for!

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? FAQs

Is Pineapple Safe for Dogs?

Yes. Raw pineapple, in small amounts, is an excellent source of nutrition for dogs. However, canned pineapple, with its higher sugar content should be avoided.

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple Chunks?

Although we recommend chopping the pineapple flesh into chunks before feeding to your pup, you should never give your dog pineapple chunks from a can or a jar. The syrup that’s used to package these pineapple chunks, slices, or rings is extremely high in sugar and preservatives, which isn’t good for your dog.

Can Dogs Have Pineapple Juice? 

Technically yes, but only in very small amounts and not too frequently. Pineapple juice has a much higher concentration of sugars than fresh pineapple.

And, if you should give your dog pineapple juice, ensure it’s pure juice, preferably juiced at home. And, definitely don’t give your pup a lick of your Pina Colada — alcohol is toxic for dogs, thus a big no-no.

Can Pineapple Stop Your Dog From Eating Poop?

There’s an old wives tale in the doggy world that says feeding your pup pineapple can stop them from eating their own poop. Although there is very little scientific evidence, it’s thought the antioxidant bromelain will make your dog’s poop smell and taste bad to them.

While it can’t hurt to try, most vets will tell you the best way to beat this pretty common phenomenon — known as coprophagia — is to clean up your dog’s poop as soon as possible, leaving no poop for them to ingest.

What Fruits Can Dogs Not Eat?

There are several fruits you should definitely avoid feeding your pooch. They contain substances that are known to be toxic to your pooch even in small quantities. For example, cherry pits contain cyanide. 

Keep the following fruits out of your pooch’s dinner bowl:

  • Avocado.

  • Cherries.

  • Grapes.

  • Raisins.

If you suspect your dog has consumed any of these, seek the help of a vet immediately.

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