How To Make a Dog Poop Quickly

how to make a dog poop quickly.

It's irritating when your dog seems preoccupied and refuses to poop. Perhaps they’re sniffing bushes, or simply refusing to go potty. When the weather is poor or you’re late for work, this may prompt you to seek how to make a dog poop quickly. 

While in most cases delayed defecation isn’t a cause for concern, this behavior could indicate a more serious health or behavioral issue. This article offers several doable strategies to encourage your dog to poop quickly, if you're wondering how to handle it.

Why Does a Dog Take So Long to Poop?

Your dog's prolonged poop time could be caused by several different factors. They could be constipated, or they might not be accustomed to the food you're feeding them. Take your dog to the vet if you feel their poop habits are less regular than usual, so they can rule out any medical issues.


A dog may have trouble pooping due to infections or other underlying health issues. These illnesses may irritate and inflame the intestines, which can result in constipation and difficulty with bowel movements. 

Intestinal Blockages

If your dog has an obstruction, they’ll be unable to expel waste properly — causing pooping difficulties. Ingested objects, tumors, or parasites, might result in intestinal obstructions.

Vomiting, diarrhea, and pain in the abdomen are common symptoms of intestinal blockage in dogs. Go to your vet straight away if you think your dog may have these symptoms.


Your dog's inability to poop might also be brought on by parasites. Roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms are a few prevalent parasites that can harm the gastrointestinal tract. These can irritate and inflame the intestines, which can result in constipation and a difficult time pooping. Take your dog to your vet for treatment if you suspect this type of infestation.

how can i make my dog poop fast.

How To Make a Dog Poop Quickly Home Remedies

Ever stood outside in the rain while waiting for your dog to go potty? 

Then you’ll understand the seriousness of the situation and how frustrating it can be. The following advice can help if they’re simply taking too long to poop.

Find a Quiet Place

Like people, dogs like a private, quiet spot to relieve themselves. They typically don't have that, unlike us. Consider situations from your dog's perspective. 

So, find a quiet location with few distractions, and make this your go-to ‘restroom.’ Your dog will eventually grow accustomed to this space and realize that it’s where they should relieve themselves.

Try a Belly Rub

Dog massages promote blood flow and can be an effective measure to take if you’re thinking how can I make my dog poop fast? Did you know that rubbing your pet's abdomen can help stimulate their intestines and start things moving similarly to a massage to get the gas out? 

Before you head out for walkies, gently rub your dog’s belly in a clockwise direction. This will help them relax and remove any stress they may be experiencing. When your muscles aren't tense, and you're not feeling stressed, it's much simpler to go to the bathroom.

Get Your Dog Moving

Your dog's bowel movements may slow down if they don’t get enough activity. Hence, get your dog moving to get things rolling. As well as walkies, you could try:

  • Playing catch with your dog to encourage them to defecate more quickly. 

  • Puppy-friendly games like fetch or tug of war. Although puppies frequently relieve themselves while on a stroll, you can speed up the process through games.

  • Agility or scent work are other activities to get your dog active and bowel moving.

Keep Your Dog on a Schedule

"When you have to go, you have to go" — the adage is true for dogs too. 

Routine is important, and to help your dog poop more quickly, pay attention to when they typically go. Ask yourself:

  • Do they usually poop in the morning or the evening? Or perhaps both? 

  • How long does it typically take for them to process food after a meal? 

For example, if your dog typically uses the ‘restroom’ twice daily and poop typically occurs about an hour after eating, stick to this schedule. You cannot expect your dog to poop around your plans.

Train Your Dog to Poop on Command

Once your dog has established a regular bathroom schedule and you have identified a location for their potty break, you can begin teaching them to poop on command. 

This can take time, so don't rush it. Use words like “go potty” or “poop” when they squat to do their business. Then praise and treat your dog after they finish.

how to make a constipated dog poop quickly.

How To Make a Constipated Dog Poop Quickly Through Diet

If constipation is prolonging your pooch’s poop passings, you could consider introducing any one of the following into their diet: 

Canned Pumpkin

Pumpkin is fiber-rich, and fiber is awesome for regular bowel movements. 

  • Add one/two teaspoons of pumpkin (per 10 pounds of body weight) to your dog's dinner. 

Note: refrain from using pumpkin puree or pie filling — any kind containing sugar.

Coconut Oil 

Just like you use oil to lubricate your vehicle’s engine, you can also use coconut oil to lubricate your pooch’s pooping passage. This lines the bowel and makes fecal matter easier to move. 

  • For every 10 pounds your dog weighs, a teaspoon of coconut oil should be given. Mix in or drizzle over their meal — once or twice every day. 

Note: if your dog begins to experience diarrhea, cut back on frequency until normal pooping resumes. 

Ground, Dark, Leafy, Vegetables

Green vegetables are rich in fiber and water — perfect poop-quickly ingredients. 

  • Chop the leafy vegetables finely: Use a food processor or sharp knife to chop the vegetables into small pieces.

  • Mix the chopped vegetables into your dog's food: Gradually increase the quantity of veggies as tolerated.

  • Offer your dog plenty of water: Ensure that your dog is properly hydrated.

Note: Green leafy vegetables include spinach, kale, and collard greens.

Ginger and Broth

Ginger is safe for dogs and has several health advantages, including relief from digestive discomfort and protection against heartworm and cancer. 

  • Mix a half cup of chicken or beef broth and a quarter teaspoon of ginger.

Note: Ginger and broth can be given to a dog until their regular bowel movements have resumed, but should be used carefully and as directed by a veterinarian.

How To Make a Dog Poop Fast — Physical Methods

If the diet changes aren’t fast enough for you, it’s time to try the hands-on approach. Here are a few quick-pooping methods: 

Use Wipes to Get Your Dog to Poop Quickly:

  1. Choose unscented, biodegradable wipes that are safe for your dog and the environment.

  2. Gently lift your dog's tail and expose their anus.

  3. Use the wipes to clean your dog's anus in a circular motion.

  4. Repeat until your dog starts to defecate.


  • This method is most effective if your dog is already on the verge of going potty.

  • Be sure to use a gentle touch and avoid applying too much pressure to your dog's butt.

Water Squirting Method:

  1. Fill a squirt bottle with cool (not hot or warm) water.

  2. Carefully raise your pup's tail and reveal their bottom.

  3. Squirt a small amount of water onto your dog's anus.

  4. Continue until your pup begins to poop.


  • Be sure to monitor your dog's behavior to make sure they aren’t experiencing any discomfort.

  • Avoid using water that’s too cold. This could be uncomfortable or even harmful to your dog.

The Ice Cube Method:

  1. Have a friend help/hold your dog steady.

  2. Carefully place an ice cube on your dog's anus for about 30 seconds.

  3. While holding your dog's tail, offer them small treats and praise to reassure them.

  4. Keep trying until your pooch starts pooping.


  • If your pooch is feeling uneasy, the treats and reassurance from you can help to soothe them.

  • Be gentle and not too heavy-handed when touching your dog's backside, avoiding any hard pressure.

It's important to note that while these methods may help your dog poop quickly, there may be underlying health issues causing your dog's constipation. Hence, a veterinarian will be able to properly diagnose and treat the issue.

how to make a dog poop quickly home remedies.

Final Thoughts

If you're trying to help your dog poop more quickly, there are a few things you can try, such as adjusting their diet, encouraging exercise, using manual intervention, and establishing a consistent potty training routine. 

However, it's crucial to note when talking about how to make a dog poop more quickly that each pooch is different, and what works for one may not work for another. If you’re concerned that it's a medical condition, don't hesitate to get in touch with your vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How To Make a Dog Poop Quickly FAQs

What Happens When a Dog Stops Pooping?

Serious constipation sometimes referred to as obstipation, can happen if your dog is unable to poop consistently. It may become more difficult for your dog to eliminate on their own if there has been a significant buildup of fecal matter in the colon. Megacolon is the name of this ailment, which may call for surgery.

Will a Warm Bath Help a Constipated Dog?

While constipated reptiles can benefit from a warm bath, dogs don’t. Dogs should only be submerged in water if there is excrement in the fur that’s creating a blockage around the rectum — preventing the dog from passing poop.

How Can You Tell if a Dog Has a Blockage?

Intestinal blockage in dogs presents with the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting.

  • Weakness.

  • Decrease in appetite.

  • Unable or struggling to poop.

How Can I Stimulate My Dog to Poop?

To stimulate your dog to poop, try taking them for a walk or run, feeding them a high-fiber diet, and making sure they have access to plenty of water. You can also try massaging their abdomen in a clockwise direction. If these suggestions don't seem to be helping, consult your veterinarian for further advice.

What Is a Natural Laxative for a Dog?

Natural laxatives for dogs include pumpkin, white bread, bran, and exercise. These options can help stimulate the digestive system and encourage bowel movements, but they should only be used occasionally and under the guidance of a veterinarian.

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Pooping?

Dogs generally need to defecate at least once a day, although this can vary based on factors such as diet, age, and overall health. If your dog has not defecated in more than 24 hours, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the cause. Delays in defecation can be due to issues such as constipation or gastrointestinal blockages.

What Foods Will Make Your Dog Poop Right Away?

Some foods that can stimulate bowel movements in dogs include pumpkin, rice, chicken, green beans, and oatmeal. These can help bulk up the stool or settle an upset stomach. Consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist.